使用世界上最受歡迎的麵包餡和蛋糕餡來吸引消費者!瀏覽焙樂道官網探索美味的優質餡料。 有天然水果餡,以及流行的巧克力、堅果和奶油餡料,可滿足您的應用和工藝需求。 您還能找到創新和實用的新點子來為您的業務增值。
在麵包店和法式蛋糕店中流行的絲滑奶油餡料包括香草,巧克力,焦糖,杜式奶油,堅果,speculoos,檸檬奶油和奶油芝士。 每種餡料都能帶來綿密的奶油風味。Silky-smooth cream fillings popular with bakeries and patisseries include vanilla, chocolate, caramel, dulce de leche, nuts, speculoos, lemon cream and cream cheese. Each filling delivers a beautifully creamy sensation.
水果餡料帶來大自然的彩虹色和風味。 焙樂道會選擇野生漿果,而不是栽培漿果,這會給您帶來更豐富更飽滿的風味。 如同越橘般的北歐漿果,它們富含抗氧化劑,有時被稱為“超級水果”。Fruit fillings bring nature's rainbow of colours and flavours. Instead of cultivated berries, Puratos chooses wild berries, which give you a richer and fuller flavour. Discover Nordic berries like lingonberries, which are high in antioxidants and sometimes called 'super fruits.
美味的巧克力是巧克力灌裝發展每個階段的核心:從我們精心選擇的可可粉到摻入真正的比利時巧克力。Great taste lies at the heart of every stage of chocolate filling development: from our careful selection of cocoa powders to the incorporation of real Belgian chocolate.
Custard cream mixes卡士達餡預拌粉, Patisserie西點, Fine Patisserie Mixes精緻西點預拌粉, Fillings內餡